Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Jackson's Park on the trails

Some photos Renee and I took today, the sun was out and the temperature was well above freezing.

Cedar tree with Woodpecker apartments
Sun behind some clouds

The thaw

The Path


Moss waking up.

Exposed Cedar trunk

Cedar with old Woodpecker apartments, 1.

Cedar with old Woodpecker apartments, 2.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Grassy hill in the Spring melt

Mzin and I took these photo's today just as the sun and season really turned to make a nice thick melt out of winter. The area is adjacent to Jackson's Park in Peterborough, and the camera is a Canon A710is, makes for really good close-ups, and the insects will be quite interesting to zoom in on when they start coming out.


Purple Aster

Purple Aster

Black Locust Seed pods

Rock tree thing!

Queen Anne's Lace